Signup to AppMail.

Signup to AppMail

* Forename  *
* Surname  *
* Address line 1  *
Address line 2
Address line 3
* Postcode/Zipcode  *
* Counrty *
* Phone number  *
* Email address
* Confirm Email address
* Password  *
* Confirm Password  *
* How many letters do you intend to send a month?  *
* Where did you hear about us?  *
Reseller Code
 Please contact me to discuss setting up a corporate account

 By creating your account you are agreeing to our terms and conditions *
* Indicates required field.
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Mr P Smith - MD

Not only does it allow us to manage our mailing more effectively, it significantly reduces the amount of time spent by our employees in organising mail drops.

Carrier Wales

We are always trying to reduce our carbon footprint, so using Appmail was an obvious choice for our business.